IDEA is failing me once again.. Projects builds ju...
# intellij
IDEA is failing me once again.. Projects builds just fine on terminal, but IDEA can't resolve imports to my dependencies. Kotlin: 1.7.10 | 1.7.20-Beta Gradle: 7.5 Tried enabling and disabling hierarchicalStructureSupport in gradle.propertied I even downloaded three different versions of IDEA How do I solve this? anyone?
did you try “File/Repair IDE”?
Recently IDEA 2022.2 stopped resolving MPP imports. I tried all possible combinations of hmpp + metadata flags and Kotlin versions [1.6.21 - 1.7.10]. Tried all possible cache invalidations, deleting
, deleting
to no avail. Turns out it is a regression in the IDE itself - downgrading to IDEA 2022.1.4 fixed all my problems immediately.