Hi I need some guidance on how to employ `Either`...
# arrow
Hi I need some guidance on how to employ
while completing related operations for example i am calling
api calls then persisting the data into my local
database i am employing
for my
calls as follows:-
* <https://api.discogs.com/artists/45467>
suspend fun artist(@Header(HEADER_AUTHORISATION) accessToken: String = ACCESS_TOKEN, @Path("artist_id") artistId: Long): Either<CallError, ArtistResponse>
then in my worker:-
override suspend fun doActualWork(): Result {
return repository
.artist(artistId = 45467)
ifLeft = { callError -> consumeCallError(callError) },
ifRight = {
val artist = ARTIST_MAPPER.map(it)
how can "wrap" or employ Either for the code i execute in my ifRight block above? e.g. the database insert. As I am using Room and it does not accept Either type
Hey @Tower Guidev2, Can you share a complete example in a
text snippet
? It’ shard to follow the code here since I am not sure about the other signatures. There are some good docs on Either, and Effect here. https://arrow-kt.io/docs/apidocs/arrow-core/arrow.core/-either/ https://arrow-kt.io/docs/apidocs/arrow-core/arrow.core.continuations/-effect/ Hope that helps. If not I’d be happy to help you if you could provide a more complete example. I’m not sure I understood the problem correctly.
@simon.vergauwen thanks for taking the time to look at my issue its tricky to share my code what i am trying to achieve is to be able to call a sequence of functions and have them fail fast for example:-
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fun manageMultipleCalls() {
     val stage1: Either<Bad1, Good1> = service.call()
     val stage2: Either<Bad2, Good2> = database.call(stage1.good1)
     val stage3: Either<Bad3, Good3> = somethingElse.call(stage2.good2)
when any stage throws an exception i need to log the exception details and stop processing further calls do i have to add if/when statements after each stage to check isLeft/isRight? is there a better approach?
I have refactored my code to the following
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override suspend fun doActualWork(): Result = repository
    .artist(artistId = 45467L)
        ifLeft = { callError -> consumeCallError(callError) },
        ifRight = { artistResponse ->
            when (val result = Either.catch { repository.database.artistDao().insertAsync(ARTIST_MAPPER.map(artistResponse)) }) {
                is Either.Left -> consumeDatabaseError(result.value)
                is Either.Right -> Result.success()
which is fine in this case as i only have two calls to contend with, e.g. the
retrofit call and the database
call however if i had three calls to process in sequence its going to start to get "messy"
what i am trying to achieve is to be able to call a sequence of functions and have them fail fast
when any stage throws an exception i need to log the exception details and stop processing further calls
Okay, that is a very common use-case which is normally handled like this.
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either<Throwable, Result> {
  val x: Int = Either.catch {
      // throwing code returning Int
   }.tapLeft { throwable -> log(...) }
    .bind() // exits either if Left
thanks can you achieve similar with
effect {}
? is one approach better than the other?
This uses
under the hood if you’re using latest Arrow version since
either { }
effect { }.toEither()
. Where
fold({ Either.Left(it) }, { Either.Right(it) })
. So one approach is not better as the other, it depends on your use-case 🙂
Im using
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api platform('io.arrow-kt:arrow-stack:1.1.3-alpha.41')
api "io.arrow-kt:arrow-core"
api 'io.arrow-kt:arrow-core-retrofit'
i ended up with this code...
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override suspend fun doActualWork(): Result =  when(actualWork(45467L)) {
    is Either.Left -> Result.failure()
    is Either.Right -> Result.success()

private suspend fun actualWork(artistId: Long) = either {
    val artistResponse = repository.artist(artistId = artistId).tapLeft { networkError -> consumeNetworkError(networkError) }.bind()

    Either.catch {
    }.tapLeft { databaseError -> consumeDatabaseError(databaseError) }.bind()