We're past 10k kotlin (3k multiplatform) libs on M...
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We're past 10k kotlin (3k multiplatform) libs on Maven Central. Spread the good news! K Extended daily time progression in the thread.
🐕 4
K 3
🚀 9
K 25
Extended daily time progression
Looks like the number of androidNative libraries grew quite a bit.
Kinda, but 47 is still nothing to brag about. Especially seeing the modular libraries trend where a single lib could account for 3-4 kmp artefacts 😄
That’s fair, but it’s much better than the 25 from before. I’d like to see NDK become a more viable choice for the future beyond just high performance code.
🤔 1
Here's all of them. Note how many belong to same library groups.
one more time
😄 1