Heyo! Inspired by ArrowKt’s monad comprehensions,...
# getting-started
Heyo! Inspired by ArrowKt’s monad comprehensions, I wanted to implement one for Kotlin’s nullable types. The problem is that I don’t really understand functional interfaces. My goal: Have a
extension function on all nullable types, that is only available inside of a
block. I tried to do it like this, but the
function is not reachable. What’s the proper way to do this?
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class BindNullableException : IllegalAccessException()

fun interface NullableBlock<A> : () -> A {
    fun <A> A?.bind() = this ?: throw BindNullableException()

fun <A> nullable(block: NullableBlock<A>): A? =
    try {
    } catch (e: BindNullableException) {

fun main() {

    val a = getNullableA().bind() // should not work

    val nullableC = nullable {
        val a = getNullableA().bind() // should work
        val b = getNullableB().bind()
        getNullableC(a, b)

fun getNullableA(): String? = null
fun getNullableB(): String? = null
fun getNullableC(a: String, b: String): String? = null
Not sure if this could help you, but Arrow has an
type that does exactly what you want, maybe you can look at its source code to understand how it works internally: https://arrow-kt.io/docs/apidocs/arrow-core/arrow.core/-option/
I doubt that they use exceptions at all in their implementation because they explicitly advocate against them : https://arrow-kt.io/docs/patterns/error_handling/#the-issues-with-exceptions
Yeah, they do it exactly like this, functional interface and throwing a “ShortCircuit” exception. Instead of
being a function that takes a block, in their implementation it’s an invokable object though. I’m also not sure why their monad comprehensions are suspend functions, that seems unnecessary?
Figured it out, this works:
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class BindNullableException : IllegalAccessException()

class NullableBlock<A>(val func: NullableBlock<A>.() -> A?) : () -> A {
    fun <B> B?.bind(): B = this ?: throw BindNullableException()
    override fun invoke(): A = func() ?: throw BindNullableException()

object nullable {
    operator fun <A> invoke(func: NullableBlock<A>.() -> A?): A? = try {
    } catch (e: BindNullableException) {

fun main() {
    val cantWork = getNullableA().bind() // should not work
    val nullableC = nullable {
        val a = getNullableA().bind() // should work
        val b = getNullableB(a).bind()
        getNullableC(a, b)
    println("Got $nullableC")

fun getNullableA(): String? = null
fun getNullableB(a: String): String? = null
fun getNullableC(a: String, b: String): String? = null