is there a way to get this to work? ```fun <Res...
# codereview
is there a way to get this to work?
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fun <Result> doit(lambda: () -> Result={Unit}) {

when the lambda is not passed i want Result to be of type Unit. I get the error Required: Result, found: Unit.
currently i do it without default parameter and have a seconf function that has no lambda parameter and calls the first function with
how would you expect a
call to work?
this is just a reduced example. maybe its probably too reduced šŸ™‚.
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suspend fun <ContextDependency> context(
        name: String,
        given: (suspend () -> ContextDependency),
        contextLambda: suspend ContextDSL<ContextDependency>.() -> Unit
this is how it originally looks
which lambda are you trying to default?
the given lambda
the usual case is no given is given, and so its unit ContextDependency is Unit
yeah I can't imagine that working then. there's always going to be a way of writing
context("name") { /* inferred context of ContextDSL<something other than Unit> */ }
ok but shouldnā€™t the default paramter be basically the same then the overloaded function that Iā€™m now using?
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override suspend fun context(name: String, function: ContextLambda) {
            context(name, {}, function)
no, because it's specialized
when you write a
fun <T> foo()
, the caller can choose any
(up to constraints you declare on it). you can't constrain it differently based on whether a parameter is present or defaulted
ok so the default parameter can not force the generic type into a type?
do you mean its impossible because the kotlin compiler does not support it, or because it conceptually wrong?
e currently the compiler does not support it, but I also don't see a good plan for how to actually change the language to enable it
There is a way to do it. You would basically create a sealed interface which will be implemented by different data classes, each data class will have 1 field, the function you want to use. Basically functions as algebraic data type šŸ˜›. The downside is that you will have to pattern-match the parameter to the correct "function"
Your default will also be explicit
I consider that isomorphic to the "just write an additional overload" solution since you're writing two implementations (one forwarding to the other)
if by isomorphic you mean that one solution is super simple and the other one very complex, then i agree šŸ™‚
by isomorphic I mean that they have the same shape
ok but isnt that just a fancy way of saying equivalent?
it literally means "same shape". doesn't have to be equivalent in complexity to be isomorphic
Iā€™m just trying to understand when ā€œsolution a is isomorphic to solution bā€ is a helpful statement, and what decisions it would help someone make.
it helps in saying that the two solutions do not differ in this regard, and your decision should be guided by other concerns