I've just run into this error when I execute `jsBr...
# javascript
I've just run into this error when I execute `jsBrowser*Run`:
Copy code
[webpack-cli] TypeError: cli.isMultipleCompiler is not a function
I found some discussion about this problem (eg. https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C0B8L3U69/p1655183383117179?thread_ts=1655180593.195219&cid=C0B8L3U69) and a reported issue (KT-52776 KJS / Gradle: Webpack version update despite yarn.lock breaks Kotlin/JS build). Unfortunatelly the workaround does not work for me. Do you have any idea how this could be solved? Thanks.
Adding the following to gradle.properties seems to fix the problem (or something other, like deleting the yarn.lock file, refactoring the project structure, idk 😕 ):
just for the record, I’m checking out compose-jb and was following the steps in https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-jb/tree/master/tutorials/Web/Getting_Started and had the same issue when jsBrowserDevelopmentRun and defining major version of webpack also fixed this issue for me.
@Christian Lippka, Which webpack version do you use, 4 or 5?
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