Related followup: Are there plans to support FIR-...
# k2-adopters
Related followup: Are there plans to support FIR-contributed changes in decompiled kotlin bytecode? • For instance - in the all-open plugin, if the FIR extension is enabled will the IDE properly render the stripped
modifier in decompiled bytecode? • If so, should plugin authors implement this functionality in their plugins? When would they choose to implement it in FIR vs IR in those cases?
For instance - in the all-open plugin, if the FIR extension is enabled will the IDE properly render the stripped
modifier in decompiled bytecode?
Right now it's implemented only loading of frontend K2 extensions in IDE, but it's planned to support backend too, so plugins will work in kotlin bytecode tool window and debugger. But I don't have any estimate when it will be done
If so, should plugin authors implement this functionality in their plugins? When would they choose to implement it in FIR vs IR in those cases?
This choice depends on plugin itself, not on IDE support. If changes from plugin whould be visible to user in the same module, then it should be implemented in frontend
I discussed ability of FIR IDE pre-preview, and we decided, that the only way to try it is build Intellij Community with FIR IDE plugin from sources from
branch The reason is that at this moment FIR IDE is incompatible with any of release versions of IDEA because of changes in IDEA platform which are needed for FIR IDE to work
Got it, thanks!