How do you load a lot of items in `ExposedDropdown...
# compose
How do you load a lot of items in
UI freezes for me if there are to many items.
how many items? my biggest exposed that I have, has 31 items and no Problem like that
Around 300 😄
It's more like auto-complete TextField
wow that doesn’t sound like a good idea, not just for freezing screen but which user wants to scroll through 300 items in a exposed dropdown?
I wouldn’t want it to be honest
That's true.
I am still not sure if I should have UI issues, or I'm doing something wrong.
I think yes that there comes ui issues I think is no surprise. I don’t think that an exposed dropdown should hold so many items without trouble in UI. When you open a dropdown the composition starts I think that will block the mainThread to long that’s why everything is freezing. I don’t know your special case for doing that, but I would think which opportunities maybe better for this case
counter-argument: I don't think that developers should have to think about sampling dropdown items. It's difficult to come up with a number that'll be smooth on all devices. @K Merle wanna file a feature request for
to use a lazy list?