were all the submissions to `#AndroidDevChallenge`...
# compose
were all the submissions to
ever aggregated anywhere for future learning? I’m having a hard time trying to actually find all the cool projects people made
cc @Florina @jolo
Sharing an answer I got elsewhere
We did not do that. The winners for some of the rounds can be found here: https://android-developers.googleblog.com/2021/05/androiddevchallenge-its-wrap.html
I did have some luck with certain twitter searches, but unfortunately very few github links: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23AndroidDevChallenge%20Week%201&src=typed_query&f=top
What about searching by
topic on github? https://github.com/topics/androiddevchallenge-compose?o=desc&s=stars. it won't return exactly all the projects but it would return hundreds of projects that were generated from https://github.com/android/android-dev-challenge-compose template and added this topic to their project description (most projects did that)
that looks promising, thanks!