As we are creating a Kotest Bom, what about a Kote...
# kotest
As we are creating a Kotest Bom, what about a Kotest version catalog? It's an incubating gradle feature, but seems solid
it is not incubating since 7.4 :)
there was some analysis at on limitations of version catalog. definitely a topic I am not familiar with, but Wilkinson seemed really sure of their assertions 🤷
Their main point was about supporting bom, and I think gradle catalog supports importing bom now
from that discussion I got that platform (which supports importing boms) and catalog are different things though, and from what I read catalog does not support transitive dependencies right?
A catalog helps with centralizing the dependency versions and is only, as it name implies, a catalog of dependencies you can pick from.
A platform is a more heavyweight construct: it’s a component of a dependency graph, like any other library. If you depend on a platform, that platform is itself a component in the graph
We don't really need to support a bom in our own list of dependencies as we are at the bottom of the food chain.
It's different for spring which sits higher and relies on loads of deps
I think we should look to do this
Cool idea 🙂 Started trying it out a bit but ran into an issue.. Trying to get some help resolving it atm.