Im using ktor client to call this API which needs ...
# ktor
Im using ktor client to call this API which needs basic authorization. My application has credentials for several users of this API, and i need to change the auth header for each different user. Initially i thought about using the same HttpClient and change the header on each request, but i didnt find a way to do so (using the basic auth plugin). Should i be using different clients for each user? I feel like this could be expensive and if i could reuse the clients it would be much better. Or should i just be setting the header manually on each request, and stop using the basic auth plugin?
I suggest sending the
header manually. Here is an example:
Copy code
suspend fun main() {
    val client = HttpClient(Apache) {}

    val r = client.get("<>") {
        header(HttpHeaders.Authorization, basicAuthHeader("john", "123"))


fun basicAuthHeader(name: String, password: String): String {
    val authString = "$name:$password"
    val authBuf = authString.toByteArray(Charsets.UTF_8).encodeBase64()

    return "Basic $authBuf"
But i definitely should be reusing the client then, correct?
you don't have to, but yeah I would reuse it