Which options of building the framework for ios ar...
# multiplatform
Which options of building the framework for ios are currently state of the art and which are not?: •
- this is deprecated afaik • cocoapods Any bigger issues with any of these methods?
We currently have a monorepo app with 2 targets (Dev / Release). For the Dev target, we use
This builds for single architecture and fast enough while developing. For the Release Target (on the CI machine), we use
and embed the XCFramework. This of course takes longer, but builds a proper xcframework for all archs.
That's smart! I use xcframwork and itbtakes too much time, will explore your approach
@Miguel Schulz maybe that will work for us as well? ☝️
Using assembleXCFramework solved all issues for me so I'd definitely recommend that one. I had issues with both packForXcode and building a fat framework where it would work on M1 but not Intel macs and vice versa or work on real devices but not simulator.
I'm kind of rather looking for all the options people are using nowadays than the best option there. There's a user of Koru who uses embedAndSign... and it doesn't trigger a ksp step for him somehow. Not sure why happens there yet, but at the same moment I'm trying to anticipate other issues with other methods
can be problematic for publishing the final IPA into app store since it embeds and sign the final framework
Well my project is pretty complicated as it combines flutter and multiplatform which brings all kinds of issues. So for what it's worth XCFramework was the only reliable option for me. Anything iOS isn't trivial anyway...
Why is signing and embedding a problem? Final ipa should be signed again by app store anyway
Why is signing and embedding a problem? Final ipa should be signed again by app store anyway
That’s true final IPA should be signed, but not any other framework included inside that IPA, you will probably get this one: https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C3PQML5NU/p1658418868118959