Hi! I'd like to start with Kotlin, I prefer to lea...
# books
Hi! I'd like to start with Kotlin, I prefer to learn through books. Do you recommend some books? I'm a Java Developer looking for some fresh air and a new way to do things, as far as I know, Kotlin has multiple new concepts related to functional programming
i like reading books along with hands on stuff. i found kotlin koans hands of stuff helpful https://kotlinlang.org/docs/koans.html Books: https://bignerdranch.com/books/kotlin-programming-the-big-nerd-ranch-guide-2nd/ and kotlin in action (i read 1st edition. but a 2nd edition is in progress) https://www.manning.com/books/kotlin-in-action-second-edition cheers and good luck
Thanks so much!
If you are interested in the functional side of Kotlin there's also "Functional Programming in Kotlin" https://www.manning.com/books/functional-programming-in-kotlin
Currently reading Functional Programming in Kotlin and it’s really good. At least for me