Hi all! Is there an equivalent of <https://javadoc...
# dokka
Hi all! Is there an equivalent of https://javadoc.io/ but for Dokka generated docs? I understand it would require an equivalent of javadoc JARs for Dokka docs, but I don't know if even that is possible... Thanks in advance for you help!
Have you tried just shoving dokkaHtml output into a jar and serving it via javadoc.io?
I must admit I did not try that! 😄 I think it may be more complicated than that...
@Didier Villevalois we've been publishing javadoc jars that contain dokka into maven central to fill the javadoc requirement, and it does look like those are accessible through javadoc.io just fine
Excellent! Would you mind giving me a link to the result javadoc.io link and also a link to a repository that shows the recipe to build a conformant javadoc.jar file? That would be really helpful to me!
sure thing: pom snippet that builds it (we're a maven shop) example javadoc.io link
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Yep, can confirm. Here's my kotlin.js (so no proper javadoc for sure) lib I've just checked https://javadoc.io/doc/dev.petuska/kmdc-core
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Thanks @Joe and @Big Chungus, adding a Jar task with a javadoc classifier works like a charm. 🤟
FYI to the rest - you can host your dokka html docs on javadoc.io (by far the easiest option in terms of setup)
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@Big Chungus btw, your template-kmp-library and kmdc projects are literal Gradle know-how gold-mines for me. Thanks a lot for that!
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Awesome. I've been meaning to rework the template again since I've discovered even better ways of doing lots of things with kmp