Hello, I am sorry to ask these simple questions. I...
# getting-started
Hello, I am sorry to ask these simple questions. I need to know that , the jvm that kotlin run its code in it belongs to any company??? And if the company that owns jvm blocked the kotlin to use it what will happen here?? Thank you
The JVM runs bytecode, with no regards to where that bytecode was created from - Java, Kotlin, Scala, etc. The are many JVM implementations - commercial and open source.
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The bytecode is a standard binary format defined by a specification. JVMs understand that format, but they technically can't know from which language it was compiled. So it's not possible for them to "block" kotlin
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I know that , but here the kotlin depends on jvm that java owns , what if the java made a licences on using jvm.
There is a license restricting the use of Oracle's JVM, but there are plenty of other implementations. There are JVMs implemented by Amazon, Microsoft, Azul, and many others, a lot of which are open source (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Java_virtual_machines) . The specification itself is owned by Oracle AFAIK, but they provide a license that allows others to distribute their own implementations (see item 2 here https://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se8/html/spec-license.html)
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Thank you a lot. I saw some jvm have hotspot and another openj9 what the difference between them and what is the hotspot, i have no idea about it.
They are two different JVM implementations. Hotspot is the original one, OpenJ9 is a new implementation that is seldomly used. I suggest you Google for it, there is many information about it out there. In the meantime I'd use Hotspot.
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My understanding is Kotlin java bytecode can run on any properly implemented JVM. So the JVM may belong to a company but you can use another JVM that is open source.
Exact, that was already said above 🙂