Having an issue in ktor server (jvm, 2.1.0) ```kot...
# ktor
Having an issue in ktor server (jvm, 2.1.0)
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kotlin.reflect.full.IllegalCallableAccessException: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: class kotlin.reflect.jvm.internal.calls.CallerImpl$FieldGetter cannot access a member of class team.luminescent.site.auth.DiscordAuthPrincipal with modifiers "private final"
The DiscordAuthPrincipal is just an oauth principal:
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data class DiscordAuthPrincipal(val accessToken: String, val refreshToken: String) : Principal {
    fun isValid(): Boolean {
        // Fetch API to do additional checks
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exception<Exception> { call, err ->
            call.respondTemplate(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, "pages/error/500", mapOf(
                "error" to err.stackTraceToString()