I keep hearing people are already trying out Compo...
# compose-web
I keep hearing people are already trying out Compose 4 Web Canvas (C4WC). How or where do I look to get my self started?
👍🏼 1
C4WC - is that what people are calling it? Either way, I’m more excited for this than I am for iOS apps surprisingly. The experimental samples that Arkadii linked above is what everyone is using to get started.
thank you so much @Arkadii Ivanov
@spierce7 Your excitement for this over iOS is not misplaced! I keep wondering why folk aren't losing their minds over the potential here TBH... It's as if they haven't quite realised the ecosystem this unlocks, or (perhaps more sensibly), aren't allowing themselves to get excited until it hits something like alpha. C4WC will finally enable native/mobile Devs to target that most ubiquitous and lucrative of targets, the browser, with familiar language and tooling that isn't the hot mess of JS. And, as part of Kotlin Multiplatform, target all popular client environments with the same business logic at once. Its off the charts ♥️K K📈 Like, are you seeing this?!
Does anyone know if you can run Compose Canvas code directly with Composable DOM? For example, have most of the UI be HTML, but have some smaller components rendered as Canvas, and use the same state for controlling both?
@Casey Brooks I don’t think this works yet, however I believe it’s a planned feature. The compose team seems set on ensuring that everything integrates nicely together with the existing platform.