Is it known whether or not `@JvmInline` will be de...
# stdlib
Is it known whether or not
will be deprecated/unnecessary in the near or far future?
iirc the reason it's currently needed is for forward compatibility with Valhalla, which would become the default impl for value classes (while value classes marked with
would have the current impl). so I don't expect that annotation to go anywhere anytime soon
That makes sense! Thank you 👍🏽
👍 1
And from Roman Elizarov himself here, an interesting discussion about the details. Or even from the KEEP repository here.
fist bump Thank you @Stylianos Gakis! Thats exactly what I was looking for, seems like I was one day too early for the issue (it was created 6 days ago, I posted this 7 days ago 😄).
😅 1