How do I change the onPress colour for a `TextButt...
# compose
How do I change the onPress colour for a
? In my image the left one gets a dark grey colour when pressed. I would like to change it so something arbitrary, like say red.
This is configured within RippleTheme, so you could provide a custom ripple theme around the button
It worked thanks. Any plans to support it via parameter to Button component? Also in case someone else has the same question here is the code:
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CompositionLocalProvider(LocalRippleTheme provides object : RippleTheme {
    override fun defaultColor(): Color {
        return RippleTheme.defaultRippleColor(Color.Red, true)

    override fun rippleAlpha(): RippleAlpha {
        return RippleAlpha(0f, 0f, 0f, 255f)
}) {
    //Your button here
No, it's a core part of the Material theming system and shouldn't really be changed in this specific way - this is diverging from Material in some ways I guess
The contentColor inside ButtonColors is used for ripple color by default, but also the text / icons, it's supposed to match the content
Hm for me it always seems to be the same greyish color desipte setting the contentColor to something else for
is there an other color i need to set aswell? In case i want to follow the Material standard
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using above func you can observe button state change ...
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val isPressed by collectIsPressedAsState()
after that you can update colors based on state the
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Have you also set a custom ripple theme? If not, in dark theme it defaults to white in some cases for proper contrast