[Solved] My team is using UIKit with Kotlin/Native...
# ios
[Solved] My team is using UIKit with Kotlin/Native on a project, and we’re seeing an interesting error pop up in Crashlytics, but specifically for iOS/iPadOS 13
We use actionWithHandler to define button handlers, and we’re seeing
Copy code
+[UIAction actionWithHandler:]: unrecognized selector sent to class 0x1d7445ab8
in Crashlytics.
This only affects iOS 13 users. Is there a known issue regarding this?
It's 14.0+
That explains it.
What should I use pre-14 when I do this in Koltin?
Good question 😄 But I guess there have to be some older implementation
The only method I’m aware of currently is to annotate with IBAction and let storyboards handle it, but that doesn’t seem to work unless I use Swift/Objective-C. I’d imagine there’s something I can do, though.
What about this one? https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiaction/3340167-actionwithtitle?language=objc The swift implementation has nullable parameters
I’ll look into that one.
@hfhbd it looks like actionWithTitle didn’t solve it.
Same issue.
Looks like UIButtons didn’t work with actions in 13 https://www.samurai-digital.com/how-ios14s-uiaction-reduces-repetitive-code/
Guess I’ll have to use selectors…