It makes me sad that there is no way to globally s...
# intellij
It makes me sad that there is no way to globally set Actions on Save to Reformat Code for all new projects. I'm a professor and will have to tell my students to do that every time they create a project. I hope someone can let me know a workaround or upvote the issue.
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OMG YES. THIS. Thank you i was thinking my environment was messed up. This has bothered me b ecause i come to import a new maven project and each time see this is off. I thought it was random because i switch b/w a lot of projects before
actions on save
there is a plugin that is actually more elaborate than this, i think it's called
save actions
. i have thought about switching back to that. it can also do other fun things
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@sreich Thanks for the commiseration and letting me know about the plugin. Do you know if it works for all projects or needs to be set individually?
i'm pretty sure it's global
install it and give it a shot
I'm on it!
The settings do not work for new projects. šŸ˜­
I'm going to need to apply for a job at JetBrains unless someone who works there already takes pity on us.
@antonarhipov I see you're a Developer Advocate and one of my closest JetBrains connections on LinkedIn. Can you please help with this? šŸ™
@Ellen Spertus ā€œActions on Save to Reformat Codeā€ ā€” I sense some Eclipse habits šŸ™‚
I think it would be much easier for you just to remap the formatting key to Cmd+S/Ctrl+S as you donā€™t push them in IntelliJ anyway because of autosaving feature
I donā€™t have a better workaround šŸ¤· But perhaps the plugin helps
Remapping Cmd+S/Ctrl+S is a great idea, although I don't know if young ones are as compulsive about pressing it as I am.
The inability to set it across projects undermines DRY.
Another option is to check the correct formatting inspection before commit and then make sure there are no warnings before commit
what do you mean, eclipse habits? what would your approach be for code formatting?
When you type with shortcuts in Intellij, in most cases your code will end up correctly formatted. Save on actions is the feature in eclipse and most users develop a habit pressing Ctrl+s for saving the file and consequently executing the additional actions. In Intellij, there is just a different shortcut for formatting as saving of files is automatic, so if Ctrl+s shortcut is already so deep in the muscle memory, you can just assign Ctrl+s to reformatting action However, formatting a full file isn't a very good approach anyway. Especially when working on large code bases, in branches, in teams. You can change a line of code and unintentionally reformat a large file, making the change too big for the code review
Students will sometimes be pasting in code (from the instructor, not just from Stack Overflow). Having the code automatically properly formatted would save the students and graders lots of grief.
@antonarhipov that is why save on actions has the ability to reformat only changed lines. idk about them, i don't use ctrl-s. i auto save and i expect my IDE to reformat my code as i go