Hello! I have OutlinedTextField. When it is focuse...
# compose
Hello! I have OutlinedTextField. When it is focused then software keyboard is opening. But if set readOnly to true while focused then software keyboard is closing and on after set readOnly to false and tap on OutlinedTextField software keyboard is not opening again. Throught this process field remains focused. What should I do to make software keyboard open after tap on field in such situation? P.S. if not triggering readOnly then software keyboard opens on tap if was closed as expected.
What do you want to do with the keyboard if the field is read-only?
The field is not readonly at the moment of tapping. The sequence is: focus on field - keyboard apeared - make field readonly - keyboard dissapeared but field is focused - make field non readonly - keyboard still hidden - tap on field - keyboard NOT appearing.
I see. Looks like a bug to me.