Hi All, is it safe to use two DI frameworks (Koin ...
# android
Hi All, is it safe to use two DI frameworks (Koin & Hilt) at the same time in an Android project (temporarily)
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Temporarily in many cases become forever. I wouldn't risk it.
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If you are migrating toward KMM, you will obviously have to use a multiplatform DI framework around the shared code, and over onto iOS. I think the reality of release schedules necessitates that Dagger in the Android UI code stay there for the time being. They co-exist but it causes confusion to know who manages what, which injection mechanism you should use in any given piece of code. I fall back to balancing ā€œjust because you can, doesnt mean you shouldā€ (have them coexist) and ā€œif it aint broke, dont fix it.ā€ (we have to release working code)
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I feel like if thereā€™s strong boundaries on where each is used, like with your example of dagger for UI and a multiplatform library for shared code, thereā€™s less chance for confusion, but Iā€™d definitely make sure that thereā€™s a clear task to migrate completely on the roadmap. Iā€™ve seen a number of temporary hacks to get a release out become a permanent part of the infrastructure.
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I joined a project a couple years back, where there was a different backend for android and iOS, but both used the same database. To do anything, youā€™d need to make several calls (fooAndroid, fooAndroid2, fooAndroid3, etc.) and the server used the phone as a sort of ā€˜temporary memoryā€™, since it would send back unrelated variables in the response, and the next call would need those variables as parameters. Iā€™d imagine it started with someone not wanting to set up caching in their ā€˜statelessā€™ XML API because there was a release and ā€˜Iā€™ll fix it laterā€™.
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