I've just upgraded from 2022.1 to 2022.2.1. There ...
# intellij
I've just upgraded from 2022.1 to 2022.2.1. There are a couple of things that I'd like to change but haven't figured out how to: 1. When I type a curly bracket or parenthesis and press Enter (for example, if I type
fun main() {}
and press Enter with the cursor between the two curly brackets, it now adds two blank lines instead of one (actually, this happened before the upgrade, about 2 weeks ago, so maybe some configuration had changed by accident). See the screenshot to see how it looks just after pressing Enter - see the 2 lines which should be 1. How do I get it back to adding just 1 line? 2. In 2022.1, when I used an incorrect number of spaces (contravening the Kotlin Style Guide), it showed a grey squiggly line (as in the screenshot). Now, in 2022.2.1, that line has disappeared, so I no longer see if my indentation or spacing has gone wrong. How do I revert it?
2. Check that you have enabled “Inspections | General | Incorrect formatting”
Thanks, it was enabled. I disabled and re-enabled it and now it behaves intermittently: it sometimes shows the markers and sometimes not.
Can you please create two separate issues in https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/KTIJ and attach code to reproduce and your IDE settings (File | Manage IDE settings | Export settings).