I seem to have something misunderstood here, we’re...
# compose
I seem to have something misunderstood here, we’re still using Activities and Fragments yes? I mean it’s not just 1 Activity where you switch out composables to display content for example I have the MainActivity here showing either Authentication Composable or Home Composable depending on whether the user is logged in or not .. I think I should be opening the HomeActivity instead and inside set the content to Home
You could do either of those. Depends on what's the easiest to implement in your current architecture. The compose-only way does simplify things imo. It's not a necessity tho.
I had one app that I converted from multi activity, to single activity + multiple fragments. Then each fragment became an empty fragment that hosted a composable screen. then i got rid of fragments and am doing 1 activity multiple composables.
i'd recommend to get rid of fragments and go fully with composables in 1 activity
if possible. then yeah. definitely. im just explaining our incremental approach.