Is there any known weirdness with the latest stabl...
# coroutines
Is there any known weirdness with the latest stable versions of kotlin/coroutines and Mockito? I'm having an issue where my tests are provided mocks, the debugger confirms it's a mock, but the code actually tries to execute in those mocks
I'm skeptical that you're describing the problem correctly. Are you using mockito-kotlin? plain old mockito runs into trouble because the matchers all return null and assign the value to possibly non-nullable args. I'm a big fan mockK
Yes, I'm using mockito-kotlin. I have a VM, where I have a
which only has
as a dependency of it.
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lateinit var repo: Repo
   lateinit var vm: VM

repo = mock {onblocking{this.myApiCall()}.thenReturn(result)
vm = VM(repo)

This results in a NPE where
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open class Repo(api:Api){
  fun myApiCall(){
    val apiResult =  api.makeCall() //Results in NPE
But I would expect for the mock to intercept this and instead just return the value I specified
If I take it a step further, and instead of making the Repo as a mock, but instantiate a real one, and then mock the
then I'm seeing the correct behavior