Hello world, Recently I was playing around and tr...
# arrow
Hello world, Recently I was playing around and trying to integrate
into one of our projects, but stumbled upon an issue. When declaring a
in the same file where I have
annotation, build of the gradle application fails with
Duplicated JVM name error
. I was able to overcome the issue by declaring
, but quite curious to know if there are any other more elegant ways to fix it and fix the root cause. Any help would be much appreciated 🙏
Hey @Masrur Mirboboev, This sounds like a bug in the code generation of Arrow Optics. Glad you find a work around. Would be great if you could create a issue ticket here, https://github.com/arrow-kt/arrow/issues With a reproducible example 🙏
Created the issue here https://github.com/arrow-kt/arrow/issues/2803 thanks for the support 🙏