hello, i have a screen with events i am refactorin...
# compose
hello, i have a screen with events i am refactoring from livedata to compose. previously i would handle events by having them on one livedata and doing
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viewmodel.events.observe { when (event) etc etc }
now my instinct is to have the events be a val on the uiState like
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UiState(val event)
and then in the composition
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SomeScreen(uiState) {
   LaunchedEffect(uiState.event) {
      when (event) etc etc
but this causes a problem where in livedata you could post the same event in a row multiple times and the observer would trigger each time. i have to assume that if you copy the uiState and set the same event now the LaunchedEffect wont trigger. I can clear the event manually in the state each time, but the slight overhead makes me wonder if there's a better way to do it?
State != Event You should not represent events as a state. Consider using
for this.
You can collect this flow in your UI
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LaunchedEffect(eventFlow) {
    eventFlow.collect { event ->
        when(event) { ... }
awesome, thank you for the quick reply
You might want to take a look at this post alternatively: https://twitter.com/manuelvicnt/status/1532324889255940098?lang=en-GB 🙂
Right, I forgot about these new Android patterns. While I don't really agree with it, the article is worth reading at least. My (bad) experience with reducing events to state might be different than yours...
actually for Compose the recommendation is to treat events as state. Have a list of events, do a
on the list, handle one, tell the viewmodel you handled it, the viewmodel will remove it from the list and your
will trigger again so you can handle the next