I'm looking for a graduation Internship, I'm 5th y...
# hire-me
I'm looking for a graduation Internship, I'm 5th year student at Higher School of Computer Science. (ECOLE SUPERIEURE EN INFORMATIQUE, Algeria) I'm highly motivated, team player , looking to work on an interesting project or research papers where I can add new value to the society. Duration: +6 months (Remote or Onsite) Field: Android Engineering , JVM Backend or Kotlin Multiplatform Language: English, French or Arabic Certifications: Associate Android Developer Certification Additional Information: - Familiar with Java/Kotlin more than (01) year, and also Android Components - Familiar with SQLite/ MySQL and Oracle PL-SQL - Master UML and Mathematics. - Master Git/Github - I Have good marks at my school ( +14 from 20 ) within TOP 10. - I'm From Algeria (North Africa GMT+1).