Hi all! I am trying to use a CI (Github workflows)...
# kotlin-native
Hi all! I am trying to use a CI (Github workflows) to build my project Kzmq on macOS and Windows, in addition to the current Linux build. However, I am having problems with my cinterop in one of my modules (kzmq-libzmq). As I don't have any macOS or Windows computer at hand, I can't figure out the correct mix of: • installing the right dependencies (with their 'devel' version, i.e. header files), and • specifying the right include directories. I would be very grateful if some of you could bring me their cinterop wisdom, and even more grateful if they can try to run the build on a macOS or a Windows machine... The variables: • The project's module using cinterop: https://github.com/ptitjes/kzmq/tree/main/kzmq-libzmq/ • The cinterop def file: https://github.com/ptitjes/kzmq/blob/main/kzmq-libzmq/src/nativeInterop/cinterop/libzmq.def • The build file location where I am tweaking the headers' location further: https://github.com/ptitjes/kzmq/blob/main/kzmq-libzmq/build.gradle.kts#L21 • The two places where the cinterop fails by missing `zmq.h`: ◦ macosArm64: https://github.com/ptitjes/kzmq/runs/7962593655?check_suite_focus=true#step:6:713 ◦ mingw64: https://github.com/ptitjes/kzmq/runs/7962593817?check_suite_focus=true#step:6:407 • The packages that I install: ◦ on macos via brew: https://github.com/ptitjes/kzmq/pull/53/files#diff-9a1e47827bb935b60d2d4592090115539aa536c1a1229a6952ddd8384cb02a4c ◦ on windows via pacman: https://github.com/ptitjes/kzmq/pull/53/files#diff-72a5c9cf2c4b3e57d39405e7aa05c07ed44b8d21b0b8fc2a5aa539f56fd41c16 In advance, thanks a lot for your help!! Didier.
Have a look at petuska.dev/monko
It builds mongodb c driver from source and caches that
Similar strategy might work for you too