:wave: is anyone using decompose alongside somethi...
# decompose
👋 is anyone using decompose alongside something like koin or kodein?
A few days ago I had an experience of integrating Decompose into a multiplatform project - the official DroidconKotlin app. The project already uses Koin for DI. I'm not sure yet whether my PR is going to be merged or not, but you can check the branch - https://github.com/touchlab/DroidconKotlin/pull/165
do you use scopes for anything?
I don't think so. DI was already there, I didn't notice any scopes.
I'm using it with Koin
I don't use scopes
I'm using it with Kodein in my own app and can't say that I have needed to use scopes as decompose will generally manage the scope of the dependency since it manages lifecycles
i was thinking the same thing, so you are just making everything UI related a provider/factory and then let the LifecycleAware class handle the lifecycle etc right?
i guess if one really wants kodein to manage everything through scopes something like this would be trivial to implement. but as you said it’s probably not needed.
Yup, pretty much only using it for singleton and factories and inject everything through the constructor (technically could do the same thing with koin) and let decompose manage the lifecycle. So a sample would just look like:
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class FooBlocImpl(
    componentContext: ComponentContext, 
    private val bar: Bar,
) : FooBloc, ComponentContext by componentContext {
    constructor(context: ComponentContext, di: DI) : this(
        componentContext = context, 
        bar = di.direct.instance() 
So if
is being added to the stack, all the necessary dependencies are created and decompose will not recreate another instance unless it was completely removed off the stack and pushed back on. Even the instance in my bottom navigation bloc, it uses the
navigation method which will either create a new instance or bring a current one on the backstack to the front preventing it from creating multiple instances of the
. I have considered moving to something like kotlin-inject using assisted injection for the
of child blocs just for the compile time safety. Haven't really faced many problems with kodein though. In sample apps I have made, its also pretty easy to create your own DI service locator just using the basic language constructs in the kotlin language. Kodein and koin just solve a lot of problems that arise in more complicated DI setups.
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object DI {
    val foo = Foo() // eager singleton
    val bar by lazy { Bar() } // lazy singleton
    val authUseCase: AuthUseCase // factory 
        get() = AuthUseCaseImpl(foo)
    val createFizzUseCase(id: String): FizzUseCase = //assisted injection
      FizzUseCaseImpl(id, bar)