quick q, is there a easy way to make sure a border...
# compose
quick q, is there a easy way to make sure a border is drawn outside of the box in compose
I know order matters and such, but borders are still drawn inside of the box
cc @Nader Jawad
Just for context
Borders right now are implemented as interior strokes. You could probably achieve a similar effect by growing the content and drawing a border that way using padding
Even if its fillMaxWidth?
Yes so you can either make a custom size modifier that adds the border width or grow the corresponding container by the border width as well and use fillMaxWidth
Gotcha 🙂
A future version of compose will more than likely expose a parameter to specify an interior, center or exterior stroke directly on the border modifier API and make this a bit easier. No ETA on this unfortunately
Yeah that would be great to have since that would align better with how borders are specified from designers
@andrew I basically have to make the same thing now. How'd you go about this? I'd love to be able to just add a custom clip modifier to that lock icon that knows how to clip/mask the wifi logo. lol
seems like thats not possible though?
It's just baked into the icon itself, nothing special or dynamic about it
In the meantime you can enlarge the size of the composable to incorporate the width of the border if you want an exterior/centered border
I just want to clarify real quick when I say it's baked into the icon itself, I mean the lock is baked into the icon, but the backdrop is separate, and is a box
And the outer border for the container, I have a separate modifier for 🙂
If you want to mask icons you can do a similar strategy that was done on the thread for masking out circular profile images in this thread https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/CJLTWPH7S/p1622156832115600?thread_ts=1622125126.047600&cid=CJLTWPH7S
@Nader Jawad yeah I tried that snippet, but in this case I need the mask/clipped part to change sizes as my item changes size and so if I could just use some imaginary api of
.border(1.dp, BorderStyle.Clip)
on my icon it'd be clutch. And thats just because the
Copy code
                size.minDimension / 2,
                style = stroke,
                blendMode = BlendMode.Clear
doesn't scale correctly with my image. While a border works just fine if I set the border to white. But if I use a different background color then the effect is broken. 😅
Do you have a mock/screenshot of what you are trying to build? Generally speaking you can mask out content by leveraging an off screen layer with corresponding blend modes.
I can DM you the mock
Just fyi here's another example that shows how to apply a similar masking technique to add a badge to an icon (or any composable)
Copy code
Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
        // Leverage an offscreen rasterization of the box composable so we can use use the clear
        // blend mode to erase/mask out some pixels without clearing the original destination pixels
        .graphicsLayer{ compositingStrategy = CompositingStrategy.Offscreen }
    ) {
            Modifier.size(48.dp).padding(top = 5.dp),
            contentScale = ContentScale.FillBounds
        Text(text = "2",
            color = Color.White,
            textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
            modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.TopEnd).size(20.dp).drawWithContent {
            // Color doesn't matter here but clear out a circle of pixels slightly larger
            // than the area of the text composable
            drawCircle(color = Color.Black, blendMode = BlendMode.Clear, radius = this.size.minDimension / 2 + 5f)
            // Draw a red background circle smaller than the area that was masked out above
            drawCircle(color = Color.Red)
This generates the following: