Version 11.0.0 of Ktlint-Gradle is now published <...
# ktlint
Version 11.0.0 of Ktlint-Gradle is now published
🎉 7
What did it solve exactly? The plugin still throws
Execution failed for task ':runKtlintFormatOverKotlinScripts'.
> A failure occurred while executing org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint.worker.KtLintWorkAction
> com.pinterest.ktlint.core.KtLint$Params
Yea, I'm realizing in hindsight, the PR I merged did not fix the problem I thought it did
Sorry, I am looking for a maintainer to join me on this project. I'm kinda burnt out on it. I feel kinda guilty leaving people hanging without fixes for long stretches of time
Well, I am responsible for this change, and it’s not that easy to solve the issue with incompatibility between newest ktlint version and the plugin. @jlleitschuh Are you able to review the PRs people are creating to the project?
I am
It just might take me a bit of time. I'm in the middle of moving between apartments
What about archiving this then and linking to kotlinter?
It may be what it comes to. But if people are motivated to help out on Ktlint-Gradle, I'm happy to add a collaborator to the party
The State of the Plugin ( issue is unanswered for 8 months now and currently a lot of work is wasted. ktlint-gradle and kolinter-gradle do the same thing and there is not really much that is setting these two apart. It would be great if the work force on these two could be combined.
Sure. I'm not against that
@Jeremy Mailen @mateusz.kwiecinski Maybe the three of you talk about that? ^^
I stumbled upon this today where twitter open sourced some lint rules and they provided a “how-to” to get this going with ktlint-gradle instead of kotlinter. I feel like the longer that project stays in this unmaintained state, the longer things like this will happen and more people will start using it to try this out only to figure out later that the gradle task is not maintained and face trouble down the line. This is just one more example of “currently a lot of work is wasted” as Paul said above. I agree with Paul that since there hasn’t been anyone yet willing to step up, it’s going to be a net positive for the community to not have people split among these two solutions. I am only saying this since Jonathan seems to be okay with the idea 2 messages above, so there would be nobody unhappy about this outcome. Maybe even an opportunity for kotlinter maintainers to nudge the Twitter team to add the steps of how one would do that for kotlinter instead of ktlint-gradle.