I am looking for a function that manages programma...
# ktor
I am looking for a function that manages programmatically the parameters in a GET, to create DB queries dynamically. At the moment, i have the following:
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    val dao: DAOFacade = DAOFacadeImpl()
        val codiceParam = call.request.queryParameters["codice"]
        val listSCap = dao.allSCapFiltered(codiceParam)
            call.respondText("Nessun elemento trovato", status = HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
and in the DAO:
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override suspend fun allSCapFiltered(codice: String?): List<SCap> {
    return if(codice.isNullOrEmpty()){
        DatabaseFactory.dbQuery {
    } else {
        DatabaseFactory.dbQuery {
                .select { S_Cap.codice like "%$codice%" }
is there a way to manage all the parameters expected dynamically, based on properties of data class?
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data class SCap(val idcap: Int?,
                    val regione: String?,
                    val prov: String?,
                    val comune: String?,
                    val cap: Int?,
                    val codice: String?
Thanks everyone for suggestions!
Do you mean to map query parameters to the properties of the
data class?
yes, map and create the select properly, based on parameters passed in call (only the ones with value)
So what is the problem with having functions that transform query parameters to an object of the data class and that object to a select statement?
No problem indeed...my problem was that I haven't thought about that simple solution! But what do you suggest to use to do that transformation properly?
In particular, how to create the select properly (I've created a function that maps the Parameters to SCap)
I've tried to create a function that allows me to create a query in a dynamic way, but I miss the part in which I add an "andPart" in the query...here is the partial code:
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parameters.forEach { it, list ->
    for(property in S_Cap::class.declaredMemberProperties){
        if(property.name == it) {            parameters["$it"]?.let{query.andWhere { ??? }}

parameters is of type io.ktor.http.Parameters
any suggestion?