Is it possible to use builder inference with varia...
# getting-started
Is it possible to use builder inference with variables? (See thread)
So I have this builder:
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class PostgresChangeBuilder<T : PostgresAction> {

    var schema: String = ""
    var table: String? = null
    var filter: String? = null
    lateinit var event: EventType<T>

    fun setEvent(event: EventType<T>) {
        this.event = event

    fun buildConfig() = PostgresJoinConfig(schema.ifBlank { throw IllegalStateException("Schema not set") }, table, filter,

And this is my builder function:
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inline fun <reified T : PostgresAction> RealtimeChannel.postgrestChangeFlow(builder: PostgresChangeBuilder<T>.() -> Unit): Flow<T> { //T must be reified
    val postgrestBuilder = PostgresChangeBuilder<T>().apply(builder)
Can I somehow only use the variable to make this work?
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val flow = channel.postgrestChangeFlow {
    setEvent(EventType.Select) //builder inference does work
    event = EventType.Insert //builder inference doesn't work
I found a bug thanks to your remark. (See the issue.) As for variable assignment, I see it currently as a great bug, because it does not work correctly at all (at least in my environment 😅). So the only workaround I see (until the bug is fixed) is to manually declare additional setters for the variables and use them in builder
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class PostgresChangeBuilder<T : PostgresAction> {
    fun changeSchema(value: String?) { schema = value }
    // ...

// later:

val flow = channel.postgrestChangeFlow {