Hi, I’m implementing a service providing endpoints...
# ktor
Hi, I’m implementing a service providing endpoints with and without authentication. After repeating the same procedures for some endpoints I wonder if there is a better way in KTor providing repeating context information for services, let me try to give an abstract example:
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routing {
  get("/test") {
    call.respondText("test called")
  authenticate("auth-jwt") {
    route("/featureA") {
      get("/") {
        val principalSubject = call.principal<JWTPrincipal>()?.subject
        featureAService.handleGet(call, principalSubject)
      post("/") {
        val principalSubject = call.principal<JWTPrincipal>()?.subject
        featureAService.handlePost(call, principalSubject)
      put("/") {
        val principalSubject = call.principal<JWTPrincipal>()?.subject
        featureAService.handlePut(call, principalSubject)
    route("/featureB") {
      get("/") {
        val principalSubject = call.principal<JWTPrincipal>()?.subject
        featureBService.handleGet(call, principalSubject)
In this case I’d like to provide the principalSubject to each method (in reality there are a few more context parameters that are shared across those methods like parameters etc.). I don’t want to start each method with retrieving unsers and other context parameters and I also don’t want to repeat those lines in the
section. Is there any way to reduce the amount of code here by having some preprocessor (could then use
you can create a function that returns a lambda that does the repeating tasks
so, something like this:
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fun myWrapper(
    handler: suspend PipelineContext<Unit, ApplicationCall>.(
        principalSubject: String?
    ) -> Unit
): PipelineInterceptor<Unit, ApplicationCall> {
    return {
        val principalSubject = call.principal<JWTPrincipal>()?.subject
you can invoke it like this:
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get("/foo", myWrapper { principal -> 
    featureAService.handleFoo(call, principal)
You can also create a simple plugin that will extract auth data and add it to the attributes of the call
Thanks for the solutions. I tried the first one but that will end in repeating the same thing over and over again (in fact I use a class for holding my context values). So I’ll check out how to add it to the attributes of the call.
it should look something like this
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val plugin = createRouteScopedPlugin("myPlugin") {

  on(AuthenticationChecked) { call ->
    val data = call.principal.extractData() 
    call.attributes.put(MyKey, data)
and you also can create an extension to make it easier on calling side like
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val ApplicationCall.myAuthData
  get() = attributes.get(MyKey)
I write small typed middleware functions for this, https://github.com/nomisRev/ktor-arrow-example/blob/main/src/main/kotlin/io/github/nomisrev/auth/jwt.kt And then you can wrap your routes with
service.auth { token -> }
, and you can easily switch out implementations in testing as well.
for this particular case you could even just write an extension function on call that calls
This still requires you to deal with nullability everywhere 😭
I’d probably throw in a
for that one
I don’t mind a 500 if i try to ask for auth stuff outside of authenticated routes
It definitely works. I don't use
anywhere, the errors it throws are much too vague to debug on Grafana. Additionally, I found it confusing to distinct in this way between required -and optional authentication. Given the small size in which you can wrap Ktor to provide a more meaningful domain DSL is totally worth it for me.
I also had a need for
while verifying the JWT tokens, which is not supported in the default authentication validator IIRC.
I’d like to go with the approach of @Rustam Siniukov, but somehow the
is null. I installed the plugin in my module section within the
. But when calling
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is null (and there is no
function). When I receive the call within my
configuration it is set properly and contains a
Okay, my fault. I did not install the plugin within the routeScope but on application level. After installing it within routeScope as the name says it works like a charm. Thanks all for support and the great ideas.
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