I'm wondering if this lambda use creates a potenti...
# android
I'm wondering if this lambda use creates a potential memory leak:
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class SomeFragment: Fragment() {
    val myVal: SomeClass by lazy { 
        SomeClass { requireContext().packageName }

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

class SomeClass(
    private val willBeRunSomeTimeInTheFuture: () -> String) {
    fun runLambda() {
Trying to wrap my head around if I have to worry when using
in a lambda that might get executed at a point the fragment is potentially already gone again, and what to do about it. If this is problematic (happy to hear why exactly), would a
be enough to mitigate this, like below?
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WeakReference(requireContext()).get()?.packageName ?: ""
Or do I completely misunderstand something here? Let me know if this example or my question is not sufficient to understand the problem.
yes, you may have that issue. if you change it to
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lazy {
    val context = requireContext()
    SomeClass { context.packageName }
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lazy {
then you'll leak the context instead, but it will be present
if you want to be safe, why not use the nullable
or since the package name never changes, just get it from the application context earlier
The packageName is just an example. I chose it since it's a String and thus helped me write up something faster 🙂 I would like to leak nothing, ideally - how do I do it?
I was just confused for a bit and took a minute to sort out what happens, and maybe I'm not the only one: 1. The original version has no memory leak, but will crash when the fragment is not attached anymore at the point where the lambda executes. Ways around that as suggested by ephemient. 2. The alternate versions that bind the context immediately won't crash, but leak it. That's not good. 3. You could mitigate the leak in 2 in general by using the WeakReference-construction around the
bound in the lambda - that works. 4. For the specific example, I'd go with 1. In general, 3 is a solution.
No wait, I'm confused - didn't think about the effect of
by lazy
. It doesn't matter at all whether you bind the context to a separate name inside the lambda or not.
If I understand your general example correctly, I'd go with:
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class SomeClass(
  private val contextRef: WeakReference<Context>
  fun runLambda() {
    contextRef.get()?.let {
      // do something with the context if it's still there. If not, we don't care anymore.

class SomeFragment : Fragment() {
  lateinit var myVal: SomeClass

  override fun onAttach(context: Context) {
    myVal = SomeClass(WeakReference(context))
But if I pass in
, doesn't my
instance need to keep a reference to my fragment, possibly preventing it from being garbage collected?
if the only thing holding onto
is the fragment, then they can all be GC'ed at once. cycles aren't a problem
but there's really no benefit to using
over a simple
(the nullable one, not
If it were an Activity, I'd agree, but can't Fragments detach from context without dying and reattach later?
Assuming you wanted to start a thread in SomeClass, that Thread will also leak the Context (currently it’s just blocking main thread which I guess is not the expected behaviour)
But yeah, WeakReference is completely useless if you’re just going to call
Would suggest using Lifecycle or Coroutines with lifecycleScope to cancel the work when you no longer need it
👍 1
Ok, I thought a simplified example might help figure out the problem better, but I'm not sure that's the case. This is my actual use case:
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fun <T> ViewModelStoreOwner.componentStore(
    componentProvider: () -> T
) = lazy {
        object : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
            override fun <VM : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<VM>): VM {
                return ComponentStore(
                ) as VM
    )[ComponentStore::class.java].component as T

private class ComponentStore<T> constructor(
    val component: T,
) : ViewModel()

class MyFragment: Fragment() {

    private val component: SomeComponent by componentStore(
        componentProvider = {
        doOnClear = {
I have this delegate function
by componentStore()
that stores a Dagger component in a generic store (which extends
, so it potentially lives longer than my fragment. There is a extension
(which is why I use
) that retrieves the application component as a factory interface - that's so I have access to the application component without actually knowing it. There also is a
function that gets run So I want to understand if this use of
is safe. If it is not, how can I make it safe? Not sure I can safely hook this up to any kind of LifeCycle-related things...?
In terms of memory, no issues because ComponentStore and component don’t retain Context and everything else is Fragment scoped
In terms of crashing it’s probably fine as long as you first reference component between onAttach and onDetach
In terms of doing what you expect you might run into problems because ComponentStore is generic but you can’t actually have more than one in the same lifecycle component
In terms of if it’s the best solution, Hilt will be much simpler to do the same thing unless you have some very specific constraints on your dagger implementation
Your 2nd and 3rd points are under control, so I'm not worried there. Just trying to wrap my head around the memory thing. So I won't have a reference to my context or fragment unless I store it in a field in my store?
And yes, Hilt is no option, very specific constraints indeed 😄
This shouldn’t be that surprising because you’re extending ViewModel and by design ViewModels don’t reference the Context precisely to avoid leaking it
If Hilt isn’t an option is it possible to have a custom Dagger Component which is created and destroyed with the Lifecycle?
That might be a better option, but this is a pattern that is all over a really large app, so com ing up with a new solution is out of the question for this problem... I'm just trying to understand if it is memory safe. I was actually not worried about the store, since, as you say it extends
, but I'm capuring these two functions that I pass in to my lazy function and from what I understand (which might be wrong) this creates an implicit reference to my fragment. Obviously I don't understand it all fully 🙂
Yep, the Delegate created by
by lazy
will have a reference to the Fragment but it’s also only referenced from the Fragment so will be cleaned up when the Fragment is destroyed
That makes sense. Thank you for helping me see this a bit clearer!