is it possible to make tests generated like so: `...
# kotest
is it possible to make tests generated like so:
Copy code
            row(ProductType.Cash, "DFS", listOf(ServicePackage.Base, ServicePackage.BasePlus, ServicePackage.ProtectionPlus), "non-monthly-markets.csv"),
        ).forEach { (productType, market, onlyPackages, filename) ->
            "$market - $productType" - {
                test here
run in parallel? I’ve got
Copy code
object KotestProjectConfig : AbstractProjectConfig() {
    override val parallelism = 3
    override val concurrentSpecs: Int = 1
    override val concurrentTests: Int = 20
but it doesn’t seem to be doing anything.
You might need to play around with isolation mode. Nested tests will never run in parallel in default mode.
Ok. I have tried
isolationMode = IsolationMode.InstancePerLeaf
, but it actually made the problem worse. I’ll try the other one as well.
InstancePerTest made it even worse…