I want to add basic auth headers in some tests, bu...
# http4k
I want to add basic auth headers in some tests, but not others. I can use postfix withBasicAuth
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val request = Request(GET, "/items?date=2021-01-02")
            .withBasicAuth(Credentials("testUser", "testUser-pass"), "Authorization")
but is there a way to do the same without specifying the header name?
can you expand a bit on this?
It looks like the ClientFilters.BasicAuth is used to decorate a client? I don’t want to decorate the client, but populate the request.
CustomBasicAuth has Request.withBasicAuth(creds, header), which is what I’m using there ^^. Am I missing a way to do the same with the other ClientFilters?
I’ve written `
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private fun Request.withBasicAuth(credentials: Credentials) = withBasicAuth(credentials, "Authorization")
which does the job, but I want to be as vanilla as possible
so you want a generic postfix method for adding a header? that's just
isn't it?
Not just any old header, I want a generic postfix method for encoding and adding the Authorization header
isn't the header name always Authorization?
I think Duncan might be looking for something like a
BiDiLens<Request, Credentials>
for basic auth. I don't think it exists, but I can think of several uses for it.
That’s certainly the sort of thing! In the meantime, https://github.com/http4k/http4k/commit/02d38f8e94802a1b46349a180816a0d5b2be16b2 has done the job thanks @dave
Oh I had no idea that existed.
that makes 2 of us (before Duncan told me about it! 😂 )
A lens would still be useful. I just had to write this monstrosity yesterday.
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val (headerClientId, headerClientSecret) = request.header("Authorization")
                ?.takeIf { it.startsWith("Basic") }
                ?.split(":", ignoreCase = false, limit = 2)
                .let { parts ->
                    val clientId = parts?.getOrNull(0)?.let(::ClientId)
                    val clientSecret = parts?.getOrNull(1)?.let(::ClientSecret)
                    clientId to clientSecret
It's on my todo list, along with improvements to the BasicAuth ServerFilter and Security to accept a lookup rather than a single set of credentials.
@dmcg if you still have need for the BiDi lens mapping, it's coming in the next release
which is now in maven central.... 🙂
Thank you both. It may be too late for the Jax London session codebase, but watch out for the video