hello guys am trying to build my first project wit...
# bazel
hello guys am trying to build my first project with bazel on windows 10 following https://bazel.build/start/android-app but on build am hit with this Desugaring error and found no solution to it on the internet: kindly assist
Copy code
Desugaring src/main/java/com/example/ba
zel/libgreeter_activity.jar for Android failed: Worker process did not return a WorkResponse:

---8<---8<--- Start of log, file at C:/users/izow/_bazel_izow/lslgslbe/bazel-workers/worker-5-Desugar.log ---8<---8<---
LAUNCHER ERROR: Cannot launch process: "bash.exe" -c "C:\\\\Users\\\\IZOW\\\\_bazel_izow\\\\lslgslbe\\\\execroot\\\\__main__\\\\bazel-out\\\\x64_windows-opt-exec-2
B5CBBC6\\\\bin\\\\external\\\\bazel_tools\\\\tools\\\\android\\\\desugar_java8 --persistent_worker"
Reason: (error: 2): The system cannot find the file specified.
---8<---8<--- End of log ---8<---8<---
Target //src/main:app failed to build