In the past compose-jb worked just fine on a Linux...
# compose-desktop
In the past compose-jb worked just fine on a Linux server with software rendering and all relevant skiko jars on the classpath. With the recent versions though it fails to load libskiko for Linux with
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /.skiko/somelonghash/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Also why does it search at some path on the system itself now instead of first looking if this library exists on the Java classpath? What could be causing this issue, what has changed here and how can I fix it?
Could you tell from which version this starts to happen and what is the your Linux distribution?
Also why does it search at some path on the system
native libs can't be loaded from jar directly. Skiko extracts them to home directory before loading. This was from the beginning.
the distro was arch in both cases I made a larger version jump from some older dev version to the current beta, so I'd have to test some versions to tell when it appeared
so I'd have to test some versions to tell when it appeared
We will appreciate if you tell the exact version. Then we can tell what change causes this. On Ubuntu it works fine, but we will check on Arch too. Which version of Arch is it?
We will appreciate if you tell the exact version. Then we can tell what change causes this.
I'll see if I can find out
Which version of Arch is it?
I synced the packages and rebooted while testing what could be causing this, so latest.
on a Linux server with software rendering
is this relevant for the successful extraction?
no, extraction is nothing to do with rendering method.
what can happen is that we link with OpenGL at startup, and the server doesn't have it
mh, seems like the path above exists and the file is present there, also permissions are correctly set - any other reasons for this particular error message even if the file is present?
on our CI we call this before testing
ah so can this error message also appear if some dependency of is missing?
do you know of any new one which has been introduced in the past months? if not I will just test a bunch of mesa libs etc
OpenGL was linked a long time ago, so I can't tell what change in the last year may break your case.
thanks for the link to your CI! I installed
and that fixed it, don't know why I did not have to do this in the past though