When I update my Kotlin MPP to `1.2.0-beta02` I g...
# compose-desktop
When I update my Kotlin MPP to
I get a sync error
Copy code
> Failed to notify project evaluation listener.
   > Could not create task ':android:compileDebugAndroidTestKotlin'.
      > Cannot invoke "String.trim()" because "in" is null
   > KotlinJvmAndroidCompilation with name 'debugAndroidTest' not found.
Interestingly it worked without a hitch on a desktop only project, but the gradle files look a bit different. Should I be able to use this version in a MPP project?
Are you using Kotlin 1.7.20? What targets do you need? Only desktop + Android, then use 1.2.0-beta03
Yes to both 🙂 But just to clarify: Do I set the kotlin version with the classpath:
Copy code
? Because if I run a CD only project I do it this way:
Copy code
kotlin("jvm") version "1.7.10"
or should I update:
Copy code
kotlin("multiplatform") version "1.7.20"
I guess if I have a reference project/kts file I should be able to understand what part I'm missing.
Using the classpath is just the old way in Gradle. You should be able to use this or the newer plugin block
I have exactly the same problem, here is a project reproducing it: https://github.com/rjuszczyk/prodectToReproduceGradleSyncError
@Radoslaw Juszczyk I like the setup of your project. One thing I struggled with is finding a good best practice of how to organize it.