I've just seen the new `..<` operator. Will oth...
# language-proposals
I've just seen the new
operator. Will other mathematical range operators considered in the future ? Like open started (
?) Ranges, or fully open ranges (
?) ? I think both are not very common, but maybe it would make sense to be exhaustive in this matter ? Maybe some mathematical libraries would have use for it ?
P.S : I understand it would not be possible to use them for progression/iteration, only for comparison/contain tests, and that make them also less useful.
One example is version specification of library dependency. Or you could require a version strictly superior to a specific version with security breach or bug, and also inferior to the next major version.
wouldn’t open-started be
instead of
I don't think so, as the start value is strictly lower than values included in the interval (..)
đź‘Ť 1
https://docs.raku.org/type/Range Raku's ranges can be iterated over, even with open ends, as long as the type is incrementable
Yes, you're right. The difficulty with open started ranges is to define the first value of iteration. For types with a "natural" step (Ex: 1 for integers), an open started range can be iterable.
for types without a natural step, iteration doesn't make much sense whether it's open or closed
Copy code
if (i in 1..3) // ok
for (i in 1..3) // ok
if (s in "a".."z") // ok
for (s in "a".."z") // not ok
makes no difference, and neither should a hypothetical
With open-ended ranges, specifying a step can make a non-incrementable type iterable, Ex :
1.0..<2.0 step 0.1
. However, for open started ranges, this is a different matter, because the step represent the amount between two included values, not an initial offset. So, open-started ranges add even more subtlety.
Raku's answer to that is pretty natural IMO: same the closed range, just skipping the open end (e.g. your example would be like
(1.0..2.0 step 0.1) - 1.0