Dokka 1.7.20 is out :tada: This release focuses p...
# dokka
Dokka 1.7.20 is out 🎉 This release focuses primarily on improving user experience and HTML format in particular, with respect to your feedback: • Left navigation tree items now have icons for their better distinguishing, and auto-scroll to selected item has been added (#2578, #2575). • Changed styling of platform tabs to match kotlinlang theme, it should now be clear which tab is currently selected (#2589). Also we don’t display "common" platform tab if it's the only one (#2613). • Deprecated elements now contain information about deprecation (message, level, replaceWith, etc) (#2622) • Various element sizes have been adjusted. Now everything should feel more compact and balanced. (#2576) • Source links have been moved to signatures, and horizontal lines between overloads have been added (#2467, #2585) • Inherited extensions are now available in "Extensions" tab (#2625) • Light/dark mode is automatically set according to OS theme (#2591) • Added
Cmd + K
Ctrl + K
hotkey for opening search dialog Full changelog here 📜 Demo: • Standard libraryCoroutines Dokka is now on the way to stable release, and our team is focusing on the product quality. If we missed something that still bothers you, please, remind us about that in corresponding GitHub issues or right here in this thread.
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🎉 3
I didn't check it but the package-list is still a flat list and not a graph/tree I think, so you can't have duplicate module names in different sub projects and you can't resolve external documentations:
👍 2
I didn't have the time to upgrade from 1.6 yet, but there was 2 items discussed that miss me today : grouping by module directory and extension point for codeblocks.
👍 2