Can somebody explain when/how compose desktop beca...
# compose-desktop
Can somebody explain when/how compose desktop became compose multiplatform? Was there an announcement that I missed?
I don't think that statement is accurate
I think compose desktop would be a leaf off the branch of compose multiplatform
The link at the top of this channel used to point to a "compose desktop" page. Now it is compose multiplatform. So something happened at some point to "merge" desktop/web together and rebrand the whole effort maybe?
I guess that might be the case, but I think desktop still exists
like if you were having problem with something you were building on desktop, you'd say you were having problems with compose desktop, rather than compose multiplatform, even if you were targeting android and web as well
Compose Multiplatform is a main product that allows to write applications for Desktop (stable), Android (stable), Web DOM (stable), Web Canvas (experimental), iOS (experimental), sharing a lot of code between them, if you want. You can also just write applications for a single platform, desktop for example. In this case you will be using Compose for Desktop, that have support specific for desktop (native distribution, window management, etc). This is similar to Kotlin Multiplatform. It unites Kotlin for Android, Kotlin for JVM, Kotlin for JS, Kotlin for iOS, etc.
Is it possible to see which APIs are available for the canvas approach (web)?
maybe the androidx github repo?
You can look here in different modules. Web Canvas is built from
is also used by iOS and desktop,
is also used by Android.
The main page (Compose Multiplatform) does not talk about Android or iOS (just desktop and web) but glad to know that it is the end goal. Definitely would love to see an example of a truly multiplatform app (android / desktop / web)...
Just have a look here: The falling-balls-mpp example would fit your criteria. It also covers iOS.
It lacks android 😉
wait, the canvas support is a real thing and there is some experimental version of it?! This is huge!
@czuckie Do you mean canvas for Web or for iOS? Either way 'yes' - and yes, it is huge! 😁
I thought I dreamt up the idea of rendering compose to a canvas to avoid the dom, to have a cough flutter like delivery avenue for compose
I've scoured the web with my best google-fu but I've been unable to see anything yet so I'm a little bummed out, but glad to know it's coming. I'll be quick to adopt it and overlook any pain points in the short term 😂
You can already adopt it - it's a bit bleeding edge and requires some looking after, but (a small number of) folk are already delivering 'Flutter-like' outcomes with this 🙂
is there any open source projects I can look at to see what the development loop is like? The only way to describe my level of interest is 'major'