Hi all, I am trying to make a `User` model object ...
# getting-started
Hi all, I am trying to make a
model object to be inserted into a database. I want to insert these into various databases using a Repository pattern, but the
has an
field that is generated differently for each database I use. Is there a way to defer the definition of the
type and a
function until the actual creation of the
object in Kotlin? Thanks
No, it’s not possible direclty, but you alway can create a new instance of User object with new database id, and maybe on insert make id nullable (or some default value) Don’t say that it’s the best, but in general ORM approach is bad IMO and such issues as one you described haunt apps with ORMs forever
If you're able to change the record schema, I've recently been favoring UUIDs created and assigned in the application code instead of relying on anything generated by the database/ORM. It makes situations like this so much easier to work with. Java's got a built-in UUID class, or this library works well for multiplatform https://github.com/benasher44/uuid
Thanks for the feedback 😄 Nice to see I'm not the only one with headache from this issue. I'll look into UUID and other ways to avoid using ORM
Uuid is not the best solution for indexes, but depends on your scale
there are many variations of implementing unique identifiers, UUID just happens to be the most popular. Depending on your needs you may want to try out alternatives, for example if you need identifiers that are shorter, human-readable/memorizable, or sortable (ie ULID), etc. For example take a look here: https://github.com/sw-yx/uuid-list Here are some analysis on UUID: https://dzone.com/articles/uuid-as-primary-keys-how-to-do-it-right https://www.softwareatscale.dev/p/guids-are-not-enough
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