Anyone familiar with Android app keystore generati...
# random
Yes, there's plenty. Doesn't the available info on the Play Console answer your questions?
No? Did you get a chance to read the article? I followed the docs but just meant with a buggy mess.
I'd send that article to Wojteck. I personally did the process fine a while ago, and a coworker did it very recently with the new Play Console, both successfully.
It was not straightforward, but I encountered no issue white following the instructions thoroughly.
Yep. I've done the process a few times in the past. But now this time I documented my failed attempts in an article. Starting from the fact that their pepk.jar and pepk source was 404ing was a bad start. Then the documentation doesn't match android studio, and the pepk command they give doesn't work, just poor experience this time around. I hope I help some more folks that are just getting started when those issues are resolved.
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That's why I recommend to forward it to Wojteck, did you?
Yep. In the article you can see I had comms with Wojtek "Next, I went to download the PEPK tool, but was greeted with this 404 page. After complaining notifying @googleplay, @googleplaydev and Wojtek about it on Twitter... Wojtek got back to me first to tell me it was fixed."
I saw that yes
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