so... 1.6-M1 is out
# random
so... 1.6-M1 is out
K 8
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What are the main highlights of this release?
Not much tbh. A lot of features have been put on hold until FIR is complete.
I saw that kotlin now has intersection types, with the very specific
T & any
. However, it's supported in the parser and in the compiler internally so it should be fairly simple to just lift that restriction...
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Are the Intersection types equivalent to Union types?
No, they are a different concept. They are 'the opposite' in some way. If A and B are groups, then A | B contains all elements that exist in A or B A & B contains all elements than exist in A and B So,
String | Int
is all Strings and ints, but
String & Int
because nothing is both a String and an Int.
Comparable | Closeable
is any object that is comparable or closeable,
Comparable & Closeable
is any object that is comparable AND closeable.
T | any
: if T is nullable, then any non-nullable object, or a nullable instance of T. If T is not nullable, then it's equivalent to
T & any
: if T is nullable, then any non-nullable instance of T. If T is not nullable, then it's equivalent to
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