Does anyone use ben-manes/gradle-version-plugin? ...
# random
Does anyone use ben-manes/gradle-version-plugin? Any way to stop it from telling me about dep updates like this? [1.2.0 -> 1.3.0-alpha01]
I personally use (and make) #gradle-refresh-versions and keep version updates comments in git so I can ignore versions I don't want to upgrade to and can still see subsequent upgrades. That said, @jmfayard, the author of refreshVersions once contributed to that plugin from Ben Manes, and added
rejectVersionsIf { … }
in it that allows to do what you want, you should find info in its doc if you want just that. 🙂
I guess, my point is that I want to prevent [stable -> alpha] suggestions... unless I'm already using alpha. then [alpha -> alpha] is fine.
Haven't heard of gradle refresh versions... wonder what the benefit is over ben manes' plugin...
The question is answered on this page, and also in the podcast: Maybe we found one question worth reviving the long empty FAQ that we had removed 😄 cc @jmfayard
@louiscad will listen to that today. Thank you. @okarm thanks for the example.
@louiscad just listened! Great podcast and sounds like a great tool you've helped build. In the podcast at 16:45 you said there are two stages to setting it up. 1. Add the plugin 2. Migrate to version placeholder Is it possible to just add the plugin for now if I don't want to migrate the way that my dependencies are declared? Migrating a multi module app just sounds soooo tedious and I'm wondering if the plugin can still help me if it's applied, or does it require migration? I know you talked at the end that it needs migration, but I guess I'm questioning the "two stages to set it up". Thanks!
We plan to improve the migration facilities so it's much less tedious. @jmfayard is pushing me hard to get there soonish 😄
Thanks for the response. I will wait to migrate until the automation is done and provide feedback for that mechanism.