Anyone know some good ebooks regarding game develo...
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Anyone know some good ebooks regarding game development in AS with Kotlin? If I posted in the wrong place please tell me nicely.
@nanodeath Android Studio
@nanodeath While I am learning Android dev, I want to make an Android game in the future. Found some books regarding Android Studio game development which are quite up-to-date; although they do not use Kotlin as the primary language, but rather Java. In spite of this, I am yet to find a good book which explains how to construct games with Android Studio and one that uses Kotlin as the primary language.
what engine do they use?
@nanodeath they just use AS...? I think with OpenGL
@nanodeath there's one called 'Learning Android Game Development' (uses Java)
I guess it depends on how low level you want to work. generally I'd recommend searching for Java/Kotlin game engines that are compatible with Android -- LibGDX and KorGE come to mind -- and start with those. if you want to learn OpenGL and learn about drawing triangles and such, ofc you can do that, but then you're learning more about game engine development than game development. depends on your passion and how much free time you have. also, possibly unpopular opinion -- Unity+C# is really not a bad combo for small games at least, and C# is pretty similar to Kotlin
@nanodeath yeah I know C# and I heard of Unity, I am not interested in going back to C# with Unity because it's too complex for me personally... I will look at LibGDX and KorGE - seems quite interesting 👍
neither LibGDX nor KorGE have a GUI-based editor nor as many books/docs/tutorials as more popular engines, so tbh I expect them to be more challenging, but you'll also learn more about low-level gamedev in the process I think
@nanodeath I think KorGe has a visual editor, though it looks primitive...
ah, so it does
@nanodeath I also thought about using LibKTX (kotlin extensions for libgdx)
not a bad idea